Artiest: sx Arche Sx Beach (AB 16) Sx Beste Bill (R1 Luc De Vos SSI) Sx Black video Sx Black video (AB 16) Sx Black video (KIES 19) Sx Black video (R1 BELPOP SSI 18) Sx Black video (Werchter 13) Sx Comfort Sx Designed / desire Sx Designed / Desire (KIES 19) Sx Designed / Desire (R1 BELPOP SSI 18) Sx Designed Desire Sx Designed/Desire Sx Designed/Desire (the tunnel 2018) Sx Devotion Sx Elysian (unplugged) Sx Eros Sx Falling (KIES 19) Sx Give Sx Godspeed (unplugged) Sx Gold Sx Gold (AB 16) Sx Gold (Goose remix) Sx Gold (KIES 19). Sx Gold (unplugged) Sx Gold.. Sx Gold... Sx Gone.... Sx Graffiti Sx Grafitti (AB 16) Sx Hallelujah Sx Hallelujah (sessie) Sx He lives (Gorki cover - Hij Leeft) Sx He lives (R1 Luc De Vos SSI) Sx Hurst (ssi Zender) Sx Hurts Sx Hurts (AB 16) Sx Hurts (ssi Zender) Sx Hurts (Toots sessie) Sx Lazarus (Bowie ssi17) Sx Mercury Sx Mercury (Limits remix) Sx Midnight hour Sx Ooit was ik een soldaat (R1 Luc De Vos SSI) Sx Phenomenal woman Sx Real life Sx Real life. Sx Shimona Sx Shimona (ssi Zender) Sx Solitary Sx Space oddity (Bowie ssi17) Sx Sunrise Sx Sunrise.... Sx Tango Sx The dancers Sx The future Sx Under the skin Sx Under the skin (sessie) Sx Vision Sx